"Building Comunity Resilience to Local Disasters for sustainable Development"


MWOK HO is a fully registered National Non-Governmental Organization with registration number 12200. It is non-political, non-denominational and not-for-profit established in 2015 and obtained a full registration with NGO Board of Uganda, Ministry of Internal Affairs on 16th July, 2016. We work both in emergencies and development through empowerment of vulnerable communities for sustainable well-being.


We envision resilient communities that are healthy, productive, and empowered for sustainable well-being.


Our mission is to build and strengthen local capacity for enhancing community resilience for socio-economic transformation and sustainable development.


Through effective “Local Partnership for Community Resilience” (LP4CR) ensuring participation and leverage of local resources; the community-based initiatives can significantly contribute to lessening vulnerabilities among communities living disaster prone areas and enhanced local adaptive capacities for a healthy and productive wellbeing for enhanced socio-economic transformation towards sustainable development.

MWOK HO’s Strategic Goal:

The overarching strategic goal of MWOK is to combat climate change, extreme hunger and poverty; improve social service delivery and to bring positive change to communities through knowledge transformation to enhance local capacity towards building community resilience for long lasting/sustainable well-being and development.


Our strategic objectives contribute to the realization of the overall goal, mission and vision of MWOK Humanitarian Organization in the next five years;

SO1: To promote sustainable community land use and tree planting to protect agro-ecological ecosystem

 Building community resilience to local disaster hazards through Ecosystem-Based DRR interventions

SO2: To promote access to and uptake of preventive health and nutrition services, clean water, adequate sanitation and hygiene facilities and practices at all levels

 Building community resilience through promotion of good health seeking, nutrition practices and sanitation/hygiene practices

SO3: To promote climate smart agriculture for increasing production, reducing food losses and expanding markets for the rural women and small holders

 Building community resilience through improved and locally adapted agric-practices, post-harvest handling and value addition, and market linkages to promote agro-business

SO4: To support skills development for youths and women in viable Income Generating Activities (IGAs)

 Building resilience to unemployment and economic shocks through skills for self-reliance

SO5: To support Institutional and local capacity development for project management for effective service delivery and sustainability

 Building resilience for community driven humanitarian and development project management for sustainability

SO6: To promote local research and innovations for evidence-based interventions to community challenges

 Building community resilience through local evidence and innovations


1. Community Land Use Management and Environmental protection (Ecosystem-Based Adaptation)

2. Community Health, Nutrition and WASH (Preventive Approach)

3. Food Security and Climate Change Adaption (Climate Smart Agric-Market Support and Value addition)

4. Livelihoods & Skills Development for Gender-Sensitive Socio-Economic Empowerment and Transformation Opportunities

5. Institutional Capacity Development for Sustainability

6. Research and Innovations


Gender and Inclusion, Environment, Climate Actions, DRR, HIV/AIDS, GBV and Mental Health issues affecting communities in project areas

Thematic Acronyms

1. iCBR - Intergrated Community Based Resilience.    2. iNRE - Intergrated Natural Resource & Environment.

3. iFSL - Intergrated Food Security and Livelihood.    4. iHNS - Intergrated Health, Nutrition & Sanitation.

5. iCDI - integrated Capacity Deveopment Intiative.    6. iAIR - Intergrated Assesment, Innovation & Research.

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